Nine Shifts Book

The Nine Shifts

The Mind-First Method to Transform Your Body and Your Life

The Nine Shifts book shares a framework professionals over-40 can use to achieve a lasting body transformation by using a mind-first strategy.

Author Bio:

Deekron Krikorian

Deekron Krikorian is a former corporate strategy consultant turned transformation coach. Since 2018, Deekron and his team at The InPowerment Company have coached more than 120 over-40 professionals, one-on-one, on achieving a lasting, total transformation in both mind and body.

He’s the former co-founder of the award-winning fitness app, Motion Traxx. At the age of 50 he competed in a natural bodybuilding competition, placing 2nd. Thanks to a lifetime of consistent health and fitness habits, Deekron doesn’t look anywhere near his age and doesn’t mind keeping people guessing.

Book Synopsis:

The Nine Shifts book shares a framework professionals over-40 can use to achieve a lasting body transformation by using a mind-first strategy. Traditional approaches to changing the body mainly focus on diet or exercise. Unfortunately, these approaches often fail to deliver long-term change because they do not account for the mental, physical, and external obstacles that can derail us from staying consistent with our habits.

Accordingly, challenges such as emotional eating, a lack of motivation, an aging body, or life obligations can prevent us from maintaining the body and health we desire. It’s no wonder then that 90% of diets fail and 92% of New Year’s Resolutions go unmet.


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10 Review from our book reader

“I have been battling this last year (hiding from family, except doctor) with my weight. I wanted you to know how inspiring you are to me and I'm sure with others no matter what they are struggling with in their life. My family was so proud/surprised of me this weekend for stepping out of my comfort zone. Thank you again for all you does matter so much and inspires me to want to be "the BEST ME"!


Sales Executive, 58

Amazing journey guys! While I’m definitely looking forward to an occasional slice of bread or bowl of cereal, I absolutely see myself keeping up this lifestyle. The food choices were key. I didn’t think I was doing too “”bad” before, but I wasn’t doing too good either. Weight and A1C are both down! Thank you!”


50. IT Executive

“Had my first 300-hour billable month since last year. Whenever I got crazy busy like this in the past, my weight would always go up. It was like a 1-to-1 correlation. But this time it’s remained stable, which is really great!”


41 Attorney

“Btw…it's been 2 years since I completed your program and I still weigh within 1-3 lbs from when I finished! I’m proud of that. I learned a lot about food and exercise that I continue to practice, so thank you!!!”


62, Registered Nurse

“U r the best coach. U really know how to tap in. As you mentioned before change is emotional. I know I am strong, loved, valued, worthy. I need to truly believe deep down.”


44; Finance Executive

“I feel lighter and so much more energetic. I look leaner and a number of people have said that. Gaining muscle but losing fat. My cholesterol has improved too.”


58. Senior Sales Executive

“I really was stuck for a long time and didn’t know how to break through. I lost 40 LBs using your method! My doctor is even on board with it. Thanks a lot, man!”


48, Venture Captialist

All the mindset work we talked about finally kicked in and it made a huge difference. Letting go of the negative self talk was instrumental. And all your principles of exercise and diet then worked once the mind shifted. Thank you. Down to 213 today (from 261)! 185 is in the sights now”


61, Dentist

“It’s really amazing; my metabolism has reset. When I'm good and follow your original plan, I lose weight. When I'm bad to the bone, I don’t lose any weight, but I don’t gain any weight, either…you guys jump-started my metabolism!”


55, IT Executive

“I learned how to eat properly, lost a shit ton of weight, got myself in a metabolically healthy condition, have regular excercise plan and all because you taught me how to have a better mindset and to have and learn my "why". Once you know your "why", and have your mantra, mine is selflove, you can achieve anything you want, if you want it badly enough.”


56, Manufacturing Executive

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